#1 Salt
Salt is of course, a necessary component for a healthy life. But an intake of an excess of salt causes an imbalance in the water-salt combination of the body. This will result in a bloated belly. So, use salt in very little quantity if you want a flat belly.
#2 Water
Drinking water releases stored cellulose and will quickly restore your flat belly. So drink more!
#3 Chewing Gum
Chewing gum results in swallowing of excess air. This excess air, when goes to stomach result in bloating. So, avoid chewing gum if a bloated belly is a frequent problem for you.
#4 Carbonated Drinks
Avoid carbonated drinks if you want a quick reduction in your belly size.
#5 Sweet/sugary food items
Sugary food item can create excess of gas which ultimately results in bloated belly. So, try to avoid sugary food items as well as packed food.
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