FÃÌ$ã $$$ FÃÌ$ã $$$ Author
Title: She Sent Her Vagina Photos To Men And How They Responded
Author: FÃÌ$ã $$$
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The most famous dating apps like Tinder and Bumble have provided people with a platform which can be used to share anything and everything. ...

The most famous dating apps like Tinder and Bumble have provided people with a platform which can be used to share anything and everything. Be them your weirdest truths or your most private pictures.
Some men took this freedom way too seriously, for they started sending their peni$ photos shamelessly. A woman named Kerry Quinn found that supremely offensive and decided to teach men using what can be called as a most "daring" way!

She took the charge and sent her "V-pics" (mostly of other girls') to 40 men in her friend list to see their reactions.

Kerry's idea literally failed!

Kelly is an LA-based writer who took this different path in her motive to change men. Her unique tactic did not go according to the plan. To her shock, all the guys were more than delighted to see those photos.

#1 Men will be men!

#2 He proves- "Men are d0gs" !

#3 He is more than happy to receive those images!

#4 Your tongue needs to be cut ASAP!

#5 The hunger stricken lad!

#6 Her sandal's number?

#7 Zoom in, she wants to hit you hard!

#8 This dude is the most unsatisfied man on Earth!

#9 He receives the gift of his life!

#10 He might get fired, now that's a revenge for sure!

#11 Buy a 9'' long knife to stab him inside out!

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