FÃÌ$ã $$$ FÃÌ$ã $$$ Author
Title: You've Been Pooping Wrong Your Entire Life... And You Don't Even Know About It!
Author: FÃÌ$ã $$$
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They say life is lived when you're learning something. And as we all do know, there's enough to learn for us never to be able to com...

They say life is lived when you're learning something. And as we all do know, there's enough to learn for us never to be able to complete the process of learning in our entire life! Some people learn the easy way, and some the hard way, through horrible accidents!

But well, here's something to learn the easy way, but do brace yourself, because it's going to be a major shocker! You've been popping the wrong way your entire life! Read on to see why, and what the correct way is.

You've been pooping the wrong way since the day you were born! Can you even believe it?

Well, basically if you're a western person, then you've been doing your business the wrong way all this time! And here's the correct way to do it!

This give you a good idea of where you've been going wrong? See, posture matters!

Scientists from the Pelvic Floor Clinic, at Stanford University, are saying that our bodies are created in such way that makes it more natural for it to squat while we poop, rather than to sit.

Studies suggest that sitting while pooping can cause hernias, inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, diverticulosis, and hemorrhoids because of improper strain that it imparts.

In a 2003 study, the researchers divided random subjects into three groups, each a different position, and studied the outcomes of their bathroom experiences.

The first group was sat on a lower toilet, the second group sat on a higher toilet, and the third group squatted, and results of their bathroom experiences were studied.

See now where you've been going so gravely wrong all these years? And it does make a lot of sense too, even as a layman, doesn't it?

Now that you know what's been wrong with your posture, you'd probably want to change your potty style, right? Well, here's a product that you might just find useful!

The squatty potty informational video... for your information!



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