FÃÌ$ã $$$ FÃÌ$ã $$$ Author
Title: You Will Be Shocked WTF These Japanese Are Doing
Author: FÃÌ$ã $$$
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If Japanese are famous for their great inventions, then they are also famous for doing absurd things. Japan's cultures and traditions ar...

If Japanese are famous for their great inventions, then they are also famous for doing absurd things. Japan's cultures and traditions are unique in its own way. Customs and kinds of stuff followed by Japanese are totally different from other countries. And this is the reason why sometimes they become the part of some hilarious things.

1. Live snail facial to snake spa therapies are the most shocking skin treatments

2. Tradition of making babies cry by sumo wrestlers

3. Japan is famous for its 'fish kiss' spa treatment

4. Sexy KFC chicken nuggets make their customer feel more "Finger Lickin Good"

5. Japan's Kanamara Matsuri is a festival of fertility which raises money for HIV research

6. Amazing square watermelon

7. The Japanese Capsule hotels for $50 a night is perfect for workaholics

8. I have never seen such a high-tech toilet ever

9. Spa for dogs and that too publicly is quite funny

10. The country of most annoying game shows

11. Yup, these are Cicadas and are the most terrible fashion trend followed by Japan girls



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