FÃÌ$ã $$$ FÃÌ$ã $$$ Author
Title: He Is The Most Annoying Facebook Troll Of All Time. Hilarious!
Author: FÃÌ$ã $$$
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Facebook is an amazing platform gifted by Mark Zuckerberg to us. We should thank this great man. Through this social media platform, people ...

Facebook is an amazing platform gifted by Mark Zuckerberg to us. We should thank this great man. Through this social media platform, people can not only post their pictures, videos or status but can indulge in arguments over there. See, that's the reason I love it so much. Seriously, on Facebook, we can troll our friends, can get on some serious cat fights with your Baes or can laugh hard at some stupid comments.

And thus, I found this odd FB couple, Brendan and Robert. Their different opinion fights on Facebook will surely give you a stomachache.

Gay marriage vs a normal marriage
Lol! What you are up to? Watch before you text, else Robert will troll you badly.

The space discussion
Damn good revert by Robert, I love this man.

On Imigrants
Poor thought! Brendan.

Mathematical ratings
Oh gosh! Robert is realy hiting Brendan badly.

On numbers
Haha! F#*king Fag,

5/7 again..Arguments still continue
I can see how Robert is deep in love with Brendan, they don't leave each other even on their friend's post.

and the arguments are just not ready to stop
Robert turns too rude now. Poor Sara!

The Guns law
Brendan is politically charged.

and more..

On typing mistake
This time Bredan really scwered up.

Armor vs Armoire
Oops! Brendan was trolled badly.

Spell check fails
R.I.P. Spellcheck.

Once again Robert wins the race

'Bungy' jumping stuff

Delightful Bredan

Whatsay guys, should Bredan block the terrorist Robert or let him win? Do comment below and don't forget to share.



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